Swami kriyananda comes to seattle – september 8,
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that
loseth his life for my sake shall find it. He that receiveth you receiveth me,
and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. He that receiveth a
prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that
receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a
righteous man's reward. And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these
little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto
you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. Matt. 10:39-42
It is a mark of maturity
and spiritual refinement to acknowledge, respect, and honor the genuine and
useful accomplishments and elevated consciousness of another person. To
likewise respect all beings as one’s own and as manifestations of divinity is
the characteristic feature of a truly spiritual person.
It is to this honor and
acknowledgement that I would like to share some thoughts as we prepare for the
coming of Swami Kriyananda to Seattle. He will speak at the Ananda Meditation
Temple on September 8 and will attend an outdoor luncheon at the nearby Ananda
Community the following day. (See AnandaWashington.org for tickets)
Most readers know that
Swami Kriyananda is one of the few living direct disciples of Paramhansa
Yogananda, author of the renowned classic, Autobiography of a Yogi. Most
know, too, that “Swamiji” (as we call him, endearingly and respectfully) is the
founder of the worldwide network of Ananda residential communities, temples,
and retreat centers.
Around the person of a
celebrity or spiritual teacher there always exists a certain level of “buzz,”
fuss, and jockeying. People are people, and with a certain degree of fame comes an equally certain level of attention to the person. This can’t
be helped.
In Swamiji’s case, it is
not something he encourages and not something he welcomes. He accepts these attentions as a regrettable, if necessary,
fact of the spiritual work that is his to do. At age 86 and after decades of
serving without thought of his own comfort or needs, and while in constant
travel around the world under often difficult conditions, he does also need
support, care and attention from his staff.
It is not our task, as
truthseekers and devotees, to assess the spiritual realization of others,
including spiritual teachers like Swamiji. Wiser is it for us to appreciate the
opportunity to see and receive such a one mostly for what he symbolizes
(dedication to spiritual principles) and for the example he offers to us, than
for anything he has done, or is in himself, or has to “give” us in the sense of
something we may lack.
A true spiritual teacher
comes to reflect to us the light which is our own soul. To honor that intention
and the heroic effort behind it, is to affirm that intention and goal in
ourselves. Swamiji does not say he is a guru, nor does he claim any specific level
of spiritual realization. He will tell us that what he has to offer is that
which comes through him from his guru, Paramhansa Yogananda — a true master and avatar.
Swamiji doesn’t claim that
his divine attunement is flawless or perfect or that everyone who comes to him
will receive some ineffable blessing or life changing transformation. He is not
going to hug you, give you shaktipad, or give you anything that you don’t
already have within you. He is content if, as a representative of Paramhansa
Yogananda and the principles his guru lived by, we receive him in that spirit
and find from our time with him, inspiration to carry on our own unique
spiritual journey with renewed effort and courage.
It is true that Swamiji’s
life has been an instrument of blessing in countless ways to many, many souls.
It is true that he has written well over a hundred books, hundreds of pieces of
music, founded nine residential communities, and the worldwide spiritual
ministry of Ananda, but, for that, he feels little sense of “doer-ship” and
feels that it is far more important that he be blessed to experience and share
the bliss of our soul’s immortal promise and eternal state.
After all, he might have
been born with no special creative or organizational talents. To be blessed
with God-consciousness is be the greatest gift any soul can offer to another.
So, I urge you to come to
see him; to honor him as you would honor your own, higher Self; to honor him as
a living vehicle for conveying the presence and the blessings of Paramhansa
Yogananda. It is an interesting fact that as we honor him (or any other such
soul), we honor our Self. Thus it is in the words of Jesus that “He that
receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward.”
That reward is bliss for he who is in bliss is a prophet proclaiming the
coming of the kingdom which, as Jesus also put it, “is within you.”
Blessings to you,
Nayaswami Hriman
1 comment:
Sri Nayaswami Hriman, This is one of the most touching, honest, and inspiring pieces I have seen on this subject and I sincerely thank you!
Blessings to you both,
Brahmacharini Brindey
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